Becoming a Bee Keeper

Ipplepen Becoming a Bee Keeper

Ipplepen iPlayer - Ipplepen Team | Sunday 01st August 2021

Becoming a Bee Keeper

PodCast presenter: Peter Richards

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About this PodCast

In this second programmes, we speak to Phil Chandler about becoming a bee keeper yourself.

We caught Phil tending his bees again at Riverford Organic Farm in Devon where he keeps some of his hives.

Phil says that anyone with an interest in keeping bees will find it fascinating and addictive. To learn more, please visit his site at: where not only can you see Phil in action but also download plans to make your own hives. In addition, a lively worldwide forum is there so you can ask questions. It is available to novices and experts alike.

He has written a book called ‘The Barefoot Beekeeper’ and this describes his route to natural, sustainable beekeeping. More details on his site.

We’d be very interested in learning how many of you are considering starting this hobby so please do let us know and perhaps we can include you in a future programme. 

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