Spread the Ipplepen love in lockdown

Ipplepen Spread the Ipplepen love in lockdown

Village News - Ipplepen Team

Spread the Ipplepen love in lockdown

Nearly a year ago we all put rainbows in our windows to thank the NHS and all the key workers for the sacrifices they were making on our behalf during the pandemic. With little thought that a year later we would be in an even more serious situation.

Valentine’s Day this year is not going to be a fun occasion, as it usually is, full of love and happiness. We can only hug the people we live with and can’t even get close to our friends. So let’s show Ipplepn is bigger than this virus and celebrate our families, our friends and our village by spreading the love with hearts and lights.

1)Cut out paper hearts and decorate your windows #windowwnderland.
2)Twist willow into hearts shapes and decorate with fairy lights to hang in your window or hang them up in your garden.
3)Put some Christmas lights back up – go on, you know you want to!
4) Give a paper heart to neighbours who’s been kind; to teachers, posties and other key workers who are still out there working, or health centre and all our local businesses for just being there.

Join in the fun.

Ipplepen Village, Devon, Community Information